IFPIM has always been a true believer that addressing sustainability is key to investment decisions. Indeed, it has introduced sustainability in its investment process since the launch of the first sustainable compartment of its IFP Luxembourg Fund, in 2009.

The content herein is provided for “Transparency of the promotion of environmental or social characteristics and of sustainable investments on websites” (Regulation (EU) 2019/2088, Article 10 SFDR):         https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32019R2088&from=EN
(Regulation(EU) 2020/852 of the European Parliament and of the Council dated 18 June 2020
on the establishment of a framework to facilitate sustainable investment and amending Regulation
(EU) 2019/2088, and Delegated Regulation(EU) 2022/1288 of 6th of April 2022 supplementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2088).
Our sustainable funds pursue investments that contribute to positive social and environmental sustainability outcomes, in accordance with its  sustainable investment objective.

In order to enhance clarification and transparency required by Regulation 2019/2088 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2019 on sustainability-related disclosures in the financial sector (SFDR), sustainable policy risks and the Principal Adverse Impact and Exclusion Policy have been reflected into IFP Luxembourg Fund’s prospectus which covers  our Art. 9 SFDR funds:
                    -         IFP Global Environment Fund
                    -         IFP Global Age Fund

All relevant policies can be accessed at the bottom of this page.     
For its own sustainable products, IFPIM assesses the sustainability risks in all of its investment decisions to respect its sustainable objectives. IFPIM has put in place an analysis of the impact of its investments on the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations (17 principal SDG) and of the adverse sustainability impact on its investment decisions.

IFPIM has always fully integrated other financial criteria in its investment process for its sustainable funds/mandates, including:
        -        Proprietary environmental, social and governance (ESG) analysis
       -         Respecting IFP exclusion criteria
        -        Monitoring of controversies
        -        Carbon Emission Profile aligned to Paris Global Warming Goals
        -        IFP impact assessment

IFPIM applies the same rigid sustainability assessment across all asset classes of its sustainable products.

In accordance with the Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 on sustainability-related disclosures in the financial services sector of 27 November 2019, extended information are made available in the  policies reported at the bottom of this page. To learn more about our approach and in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 on sustainability-related disclosures in the financial services sector of 27 November 2019, please read in particular our policies:

        -      IFPIM Sustainability Risks Policy,
which declares how we comply with the "Integration of Sustainability Risks" (Art. 3 and 6 SFDR)
        -      IFPIM Principle Adverse Sustainability Impact and Exclusion Policy,
which refers to the "Transparency of adverse Sustainability Impacts" (Art. 7 SFDR)

We are working with different data sources and as investee companies are progressively increasing their disclosures, we will be able to improve the metrics. The SFDR PAI reporting is bringing a broader view of what IFPIM has been already attentioning since many years with the purpose of avoiding doing harm to the environment through its investments.


> Sustainability Risks Policy
> Principal Adverse Impact and Exclusion Policy
> PAI Statement IFPIM Sustainable Funds
Engagement and Voting Rights Policy
> Remuneration Policy - as per Art. 5 "Transparency of remuneration policies in relation to the integration of sustainability risks" of the SFDR