IFP Investment Management S.A. (“IFPIM”) was approved in 2007 as a Management Company Chapter 15 part 1, and as a Wealth Management Company since 2012.

IFPIM carries a consolidated experience in managing assets and funds and its disciplined financial fundamental analysis is implemented in rigorous investment processes to identify valuable investments, both in equities and bonds.

IFPIM targets companies that are leaders in their industry, benefiting from a sustainable business model, with very good management team and well positioned to grow.

IFPIM uses its extended bond expertise to consider the best risk adjusted return for this asset class versus peers, in relation to quality of the issuer, duration, maturity, yield and spread.

IFPIM’s Funds:

IFPIM has been a pioneer in sustainable investments since the launch of its first fund in 2009.
It developed its own methodology to analyse sustainability aspects and to assess social and environmental impact of investments in its umbrella fund, IFP Luxembourg Fund (see tab "FUNDS" on this website) currently constituted of:

IFP Global Environment Fund (launched in 2009) Art. 9 SFDR
IFP Global Age Fund (launched in 2012) Art. 9 SFDR

(Prospectus, Management Rules, PRIIPS KID, fundinfo, annual et semi-annual report IFP Luxembourg Fund,)

Other funds:

IFPIM is the portfolio manager of a flexible fund of ETFs:
Conventum - Waterlily W Flexible Equity Fund

Extract from prospectus Conventum Sicav

IFPIM is managing:
Capertino Flexible Allocation Sicav, Art. 6 SFDR

(Annual Report Capertino Sicav, semi-annual report Capertino Sicav, Capertino Sicav Prospectus, Capertino KIIDS)


Mandates from Institutional and Private clients:

IFPIM also manages individual wealth mandates that take into account the sustainability risks (Art. 3 SFDR ) as part of the risks identified in precontractual disclosures exchanged with clients for discretionary and advisory mandates. These risks are identified in the several policies adopted by IFPIM, which can be accessed in the “COMPANY” tab and in the “SUSTAINABILITY  / SFDR” tab of this website.