IFP Investment Management SA was approved in 2007 as a Management Company Chapter 15 part 1, and as a Wealth Management Company since 2012.
IFPIM has been a pioneer in sustainable investments since launch in 2007 and integrating ESG criteria in the investment process of its first Fund launched in 2009.
IFPIM has developed its own methodology to analyse sustainability aspects and to assess the social and environmental impact of investments. This knowledge combined with a disciplined financial fundamental analysis is implemented in a rigorous investment process to identify good investments, both in equities and bonds. We target companies that are leaders in their industry, benefiting from a sustainable business model, with a very good management team and well positioned to grow.
IFPIM is using its long bond expertise to consider the best risk adjusted return for this asset class in relation to the quality of the company, the duration, the maturity, the yield and spread related to peers in the same industry to select the best risk adjusted to return security.
IFP Investment Management S.A. has a long track record in managing its own sustainable investment funds in its umbrella fund, IFP Luxembourg Fund and benefits also from IFP Group's long term experience managing funds since 2003.
IFP Investment Management SA, Luxembourg manages the
IFP Luxembourg Fund,
approved in 2008 by the Luxembourg authorities that has presently two compartments:
IFP Global Environment Fund (since 2009) and
IFP Global Age Fund (since 2012).
Management Rules,
annual et
semi-annual report IFP Luxembourg Fund,)
Distributed in Belgium, Germany, Italy (qualified investors only), Luxembourg, and Switzerland.
Consideration of adverse Impact of investments decisions on sustainability factors (SFDR Level II): The Funds:The IFP Global Environment Fund and the IFP Global Age Fund have a sustainable objective under Article 9 of the regulation SFDR (EU) 2019/2088 (paragraph 2.). For these funds we consider the sustainability risks in the investment decisions and consider principle adverse impact of investment decisions on sustainability factors. Our policies on sustainability risks and on Principal Adverse Impact can be found in TAB Sustainability/SFDR of this website.
We integrate the sustainability risks in our investment decision process while analyzing fundamentally the investments. We believe that assessing the likely impacts of sustainability risks can reduce the risk of the investment and deliver a competitive and better long term investment performance and return.
The IFP Global Environment Fund and the IFP Global Age Fund have the objective of low carbon emission exposure in view of achieving the long term global warming objectives of the Paris Agreement. Description of the continued effort of attaining this objective can be found in our sustainability risks policy in TAB Sustainability/SFDR of this website. It includes carbon profile measurement, analysis of concrete net zero goal or carbon reduction strategy aligned with associations like Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi), our proprietary ESG screen analysis, the SDG impact, and the sector of the company analysed.
The social and environmental targets are already in our sustainable objective.
The Portfolios:
IFP Investment Management SA manages also private and institutional portfolios in Luxembourg and Belgium.
These portfolios are mainly discretionary mandates, but also contain advisory mandates.
For these portfolios strategies are defined in accordance with the clients’ profiles. We ask the clients whether they want to be managed sustainably, and if the promotion of environmental or social characteristics matters. In this case we consider the sustainability risks and the principle adverse impact of our investment decision on sustainability factors as described in our TAB Sustainability/SFDR of this website. We integrate the sustainability risks in our investment decision process while analyzing fundamentally the investment. We believe that assessing the likely impacts of sustainability risks can reduce the risk of the investment and deliver a competitive and better long term investment performance and return. For sustainable portfolios, we apply the same methodology as for our sustainable funds (see policies and documents on our TAB Sustainability/SFDR of this website).
Our Remuneration policy can be accessed via our TABs Company as well as Sustainability/SFDR of this website.
No consideration of Adverse Impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors (SFDR Level II) on certain products:
For the clients that do not choose a sustainability, discretionary or advisory mandate, we approach the sustainability risk through the different risks considered in our general investment decision process or in our advice. We also take into consideration adverse media in our AML risk approach before executing the investment decision for discretionary portfolios.
We regularly commit to review the client’s choice and ask them about their sustainability preference in order to consider sustainability risks and adverse impact of investment decisions on sustainability factors.