IFP Investment Management SA is dedicated to responsible investments as its core value, for its UCITS V funds, IFP Luxembourg Fund as well as for its institutional mandates and wealth management when accepted by the client.
For its sustainable products, IFP Investment Management assesses the sustainability risks in all its investment decisions. IFP Investment Management commits to have sustainable objectives for its IFP sustainable funds and confirms it in the pre-contractual mandate documents when applicable. IFP Investment Management has also put in place an analysis of the impact of its investments on the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations (17 principal SDG) and of the adverse sustainability impact on its investment decisions.
Since company establishment in Luxembourg in 2007, IFP Investment Management fully integrates extra financial criteria in its investment process, including:
- Proprietary environmental,social and governance (ESG) analysis
- Respecting IFP exclusion criteria
- Monitoring of controversies
- Carbon footprint aligned to decarbonisation
- IFP impact assessment
IFP Investment Management applies the same rigid sustainability assessment across all asset classes of its sustainable products. To learn more about our approach and to also comply with the Regulation EU 2019/2088 on sustainability-related disclosures in the financial services sector of 27 November 2019, please visit some of our policies:
- Het
IFPIM Risicobeleid Duurzaamheid legt uit hoe wevoldoen aan de "Transparantie van gedragslijnen inzake duurzaamheidsrisico's".
(Artikelen 3 & 6 SFDR)
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IFPIM-richtlijnen voor nadelige duurzaamheidseffecten en uitsluitingsbeleid verwijzen naar "Transparantie van ongunstige effecten op de duurzaamheid". (Artikel 7 SFDR)
Sustainability Risks Policy>
Principal Adverse Impact and Exclusion Policy
PAI Statement IFPIM Sustainable Funds
Engagement- en stemrechtbeleid
Vergoedingsbeleid - volgens artikel 5 "Transparantie van het beloningsbeleid met betrekking tot de integratie van duurzaamheidsrisico's" van de SFDR